  • 18 Mar 2023
  • 253

“Together to Conserve Local Seeds and Preserving National Identity”

WHAT: On behalf of the co-organizers, we would like to invite you and/or a representative to the community solidarity seed festival titled “Together to Conserve Local Seeds and Preserve National Identity.” The first seed festival was initiated and co-organized by a number of rural communities, with support from organizations promoting food sovereignty, the struggle of rural communities affected by land grabbing and expropriation, and the rights of peasants. The first seed festival was organized in Siem Reap. The key objectives of the festival centered on promoting local seedlings, reviving the method by which Cambodian small-scale farmers and food producers produce the food we consume in a healthier manner, and decreasing the amount of money spent on agricultural inputs. The festival was also intended to provide a space for farmers to share their regional agricultural experiences and techniques, in addition to the substance of agroecology. Activities at the festival included a seed exchange, religious ceremony, cultural and arts event, and farmer-to-farmer sharing, among others. In 2022, the seeds’ festival was held on a smaller scale. It was organized by members of the BattamBang fishing community who have been practicing agroecology for several years. Local community members of various networks are organizing the festival again this year. This year’s festival aims to continue to strenthen the movement toward restoring traditional food production methods that do not rely on markets and seed preservation. It will take place in the province of Kampong Chhnang. Below are three main objectives:

  1. Conservation and restoration of local seed varieties
  2. Disseminate and share knowledge pertaining to the preservation of traditional varieties, natural farming techniques, and environmental agriculture in order to promote farming that reduces the cost of agricultural inputs for farmers, small-scale farmers, and food producers, as well as the impact of the use of chemical inputs.
  3. To enhance the relationship between peasants/small-scale farmers and food producers who implement agroecology.

WHEN: 21-22 March, 2023

21 March, beginning at 14:00 and ending at 21:30, and 22 March, from 8:00 to 12:00PM

WHERE: The event will take place at the center of agricultural cooperative of Anchang Roung Samai Thmey in Andong Roveang village, Anchanch Roung Commune, Boribo District, Kampong Chnang Province. (See in map via link: ...)

WHO: Seed festival this year is typically organized by community-based cooperative/organizations that are majority run by women. Approximately 600 people are expected to attend this year’s event. They include peasants, small-scale farmers and food producers, fisher folk, indegenous people, youth, community artists, land community, etc.


Notes to Editors: For further information or to confirm your participation, please contact the organizer committee and technical team:

Organizing Committee (Speak Khmer)

1. Mrs. Sang Siem, president of Anchang Roung Samai Thmei agricultural cooperative via her mobile: 092 810 326

2. Mrs. Hy Sochan, vice president of Anchang Roung Samai Thmei agricultural cooperative via her mobile: 089 614 001 

3. Mrs. Pech Art, president of Khsach Sar Community Forestry via her mobile: 061 553 832 

4. Mr. Chea Phoun, advisor for the protecting natural resource community via his mobile: 090 210 222 

5. Mrs. Oum Sophy, representative of Lor Peang land community via her mobile: 078 506 830

6. Mrs. Chea Song, committee member of 185K Thida Cham Bok Community Forestry via her mobile: 071 482 9605 

Technical Team (English)

1. Mrs. Leav Lina via her mobile: 099 768 149

2. Mr. Pho Sophal via his mobile: 016 642 105


3. Ms. Ros Sokunthy via her mobile: 012 217 887